Sunday, May 30, 2010

an indirect encouragement

so, if you ever think how stressful and hard assignments and tests from college are, well, they aren't..know why?

coz it gets worst in uni..imagine all of the stress and tests you have, and then imagine it 5 times harder and stresser..THAT is just a glimpse of what uni is :P and, if you thought you did well in college, wait till university comes...the grading system is just different and it's REAL marking and grading of assignments...

AND, if you thought major public exams and college exams are hard, wait till you come to uni exams! you ACTUALLY feel time ticking away and passing by you and you actually feel scared/nervous (not like college exams din have nervousness, but this one hits you hard!)

so, how is this encouragement? well, imagine uni students having to go thru something way worst than you, isn't that encouragement?

still not good enough? imagine masters and PHD students....

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